agent of innocent: perfect tense

working on a BL game with greenie (beautiful art!!) and riley (beautiful music!!)

that’s right
a Bug’s Life game, sickos

Bug’s Love?
it’s a horror game about vermin, sugar, knees, fashion, torture, obsession, just normal guy stuff

the GUI must display the name of the protagonist and his zodiac sign at all times
no serious game would deviate from this principle

Perfect Tense is an agent of INNOCENT

the Imaginal skinsuit

⭐ Designed for “pest control”
⭐ a synthesis of the VESP and DISC models
⭐ Each skinsuit is calibrated according to your ZODIAC and ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ type

⭐ Permethrin micromesh repels bug bites
⭐ Apocrine-contoured hyperwicking and radiant dispersal for high-sweat environments
⭐ Air tripping muscle filigree
⭐ High neckline for maximum insulation and protection
⭐ Elastomeric weave is antibacterial and hydrophobic
⭐ Optimized for DANCE FRAME movement with Genuflect deinforcement for maximal ballon
⭐ Haptic gloves for “praying”

Doll System

⭐ buy new fashion with “Bad End Coins”
⭐ you wear everything on top of your suit
⭐ fashion affects your stats or whatever

thanks for basking in the essence of our game…Strong Enough for a Man…Horrible Enough for a Woman…well, until next time…cya

4 grubs honk balefully on “agent of innocent: perfect tense

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