10 grubs honk balefully on “Cupbearer to the Gods

  1. deeply unsettling how relatable this one struck me. so many passages felt like reverberations of things I’d thought before. the disconnect from one’s own childhood, the shower scenes, the way he snaps at that mother and child. veau is so tragic… brain meltingly potent stuff

  2. (after reading the whole story)


    Not really what I expected. But since when have I been able to know what to expect from your stories? This is like a counterpart to 18 Foot Leash in some ways: white, moral, and disinfected, while Leash is nocturnal, overgrown, and shitty. I wish I knew why so much yaoi on the internet is gender-essentialist, sentimentalist pabulum, when you’re out there able to write such viscerally sexy and violent fellas.

    After reading the first Act, I was wondering whether the ‘rasts represent us, the readers, in some way… we tune in for the misadventures of an innocent boy and get a hardened thirty-year-old with cherry angiomas.

    Excellent, expansive story, and I’m not sure I understand all of it even now. I feel like that scene towards the end, Veau seeing the movies in the video store, is the key to a large part of what was going on. The complex, briefly almost-wholesome relationship between Veau and Y is excellent.

    The eye removal scene made me feel physical pain. And I’m hardly the most sensitive person (I didn’t flinch at anything in High Kill Shelter, for starters).

    Are you planning to revisit these agents at some point?

    1. mmm dirty leash clean cup! I agree. And the cleanliness extends to the style itself. Cupbearer is laid out like a transcript, Leash has tons of dΓ©rives and it surges wildly thru perspectives and formats…

      “essentialist, sentimentalist…” yes it can be so much more!

      haha yes the ol bait and switch…good point!

      eye removal fucks me up too haha.

      I have more written but I am limited by my health. I will have to triage my next projects but I dearly hope to post more in the future. Thanks for the great analysis, I appreciate when people engage with it sincerely. And thanks for showing them some love <3

  3. A couple of things I forgot to mention before:

    Veau longing for masculine camaraderie… too real.

    Is Retz a reference to the famous French mediaeval guy (more commonly spelt “Rais”)?

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