✦ Serious Weakness personality quiz
for the first time ever, scientists have discovered a way to analyze your Serious Weakness personality…
✦ cupbearer to the gods act IV

On that note, Krabat sent me a genuine Veau in the washing machine!!
together we will destroy pederasty through the power of merchandising! ✌️✨

Krabat also made a Cancer charm, so cute and glittery and diseased!
next to my Rubicon charm made by Faust…I think they would be good friends! or kill each other!

✦ cunt toward enemy: sludge/bbb
now public for all
✦ new leash: “The Night Drinker”
patch notes: Cancer’s blond highlights are now on the sides, not the front.
drew a Riparian…


✦ site updates: added letters section, mostly as a placeholder for a possible ask archive. uploaded 2bloodspit to hand shrine.
I finished the RPGMaker game but probably won’t release until January. It is good.

Just awesome stuff all around, this month. Cannot get over the coolness of the merch Krabat makes for your stories. Extremely hyped for the game.
I really need to do a write-up of this at some point, but long story short, I see a lot of similarities between Cancer (especially Civetverse) and Rubicon: both attractive youths who are too physically damaged to have any hope of functioning normally, though Cancer is less extreme (physically and mentally).
Wonder for Veau would feel about the Maimai rhythm game consoles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maimai_(video_game_series) Clearly, we live in the world where Maimai wasn’t intended for uploading your conscience into a prepubescent android body.
agree, i love krabat’s gifts and it is extremely delightful to see an imagining of “fecal vomiting boy” and “guy who fights pederasts by entering a washing machine” as mainstream IP.
i’ve thought about Cancer and Rubicon before! my idea was, the leashverse Rubi would be mauled by a flesh-eating virus or other horrible disease that fucks up his whole body in a stylized way. and yeah Cancer’s damage is less extreme, his main characteristic to me is addiction / disease vector, a feverish vessel, and also “ADHD” spectrum and lower-class feelings go into him. so he can be in “canvas” mode or “fucked” mode but he has way more leeaway than Rubi…
Maimai wow! i never knew about this! what beautiful not-a-washing-machines…I have a deep fixation on arcades with all the flashing lights and sounds everywhere…