I live in a building with my parents and hundreds of other people. We will live here for the rest of our lives, and our children will do the same. Categorized PL, Permanent Life. Prison-for-life.
The loudspeaker: …subtropical lowlands, clay and limestone, pseudo-desert, mineral steppe…
In one of the common areas, I see a soldier through the bars, smoking outside. At this second, no one else is near us.
I say, “I can see us together at the war crime tribunal in twenty years.”
agent of innocent: flip phone

greenie made a beautiful UI for the game: Perfect’s INNOCENT-issue flip phone. the last time phones were MANLY.

check your stats, fashion, inventory, messages; each menu is a program in your phone, and you can unlock more (i like the idea of porn, malware, “lil pal” progs, etc…)

“back button”? ok homo. how about you kill something if you want to go back that bad?
when it comes to UI, style is INFINITELY more important than substance. we do not “User Interface” we “Loser Interface”. from the moment your player clicks the mouse they have lost. they are undoubtedly a slimy failure and cannot be reasoned with. it is beyond fact that “gamers” are the ruined fuckholes of the consumer world.
“good UI”? “minimal”? “clarity”? “accessibility features”?
get the fuck out of here…
the gamer is an animal who will click through ten menus in their favorite jrpg just to pick up a rock or some shit. gaming is an expression of their innate desire to submit. “SUBmenus”? hello???
UI is also an expression of the player’s stats. the higher a stat, the more it inflicts its way of organizing information on you…but that’s a story for another day!!

agent of innocent: perfect tense

working on a BL game with greenie (beautiful art!!) and riley (beautiful music!!)
that’s right
a Bug’s Life game, sickos
Bug’s Love?
it’s a horror game about vermin, sugar, knees, fashion, torture, obsession, just normal guy stuff
the GUI must display the name of the protagonist and his zodiac sign at all times
no serious game would deviate from this principle

Perfect Tense is an agent of INNOCENT
☣️🐝🕷️🦟 READ MORE 🦟🕷️🐝☣️2022 end of year post

the reaction to serious weakness was amazing…perfect…so happy. the outcomes i desired came true.
👁 MORE 👁honeydew toxicity event

>mom comes in
>anon why are there one million mountain dew bottles
>mountain dew is a complete protein dont be a faggot mom
>dumb cunt looks at me like i just blew her fucking mind
Do you fuck your mom?
she’s a faggot and you’re a butt baby
AIDS baby
hydrofags ITT
water made my sister bipolar
Mountain Drew
Anon has a serious problem and we need to be sensitive. If you don’t get your hydration purely from pussy juice kys inshallah
__call it au jus the way you’re penciling roasties
____only walls homies getting are when he activates onetap
Xrafstarverse + Fanart
some pics for a game i’m working on…

gotta have dice because its important for the player to understand their fate is at the whim of cruel, capricious forces beyond themselves
👁 MORE 👁Soft Now
My corner store lighter drops to the blackened heath where thousands of charred worms lay. I pick it up and flick it until my censer lights and I close my eyes as the fumes fill me with a better world.
Baas looks up from his twelve hammers, trying to assess a body count from the different colors of hair sticking to the claws. “You know that kills you, right?”
“It kills them faster.”
👁️ MORE 👁️Xrafstar Killers

your friend played this game. he helped you beat the parts you couldn’t beat. but he’s gone now. you’re at his house as the rain beats down and the living room smells like wet wood and carpet uncleaned since you were kids. Dim light cuts the room in half, the rest shadow from which you deliver his old CDs and cartridges into a cardboard box because his parents said do whatever with his stuff, wouldn’t understand what they were looking at, what it means to a kid. Xrafstar Killers for the PSP, the scratched, smeared disc so light in your hands like it couldn’t possibly contain that deep, dark, beautiful world you stumbled through, grabbing the console back, trying to impress him, plastic sticky from shared sweat.
you break the disc in the kitchen and pick up the biggest shard. you’re running out of things to believe in. you cut yourself in the lines you learned before that post was deleted for violating the community code of conduct. this world is the false one. the dream is real. the post warned that every captive world has become hell in the absence of the hearts of children. that tyrants have taken control. that you should think twice about entering a place where death is torture’s blink. where you can’t shut it off if it becomes too much, a razor-lined wheel of reincarnation. it doesn’t matter. you’ll see him again, in whatever form you fit inside, in the world of Xrafstar Killers. To never be alone.
Why Have You Not Yet Gone to War
On that day, I was supposed to go to the festival and trade my knife in. I was supposed to meet the old man at his table and hand it over. This was a promise I made to him, after a long and serious discussion. He was the kind of dignified old man who did not become angry, only disappointed. The kind where silence became its own condemnation, not from him, necessarily, but because you were reminded of every good thing you were letting down. Something fine and noble in the universe reflected off him, bounced from some unknown source beyond my own access. So the promise had some weight to me.
The festival was to be held at the high school, on the lawn and parking lot, with all kinds of tables and booths. There was even supposed to be an animal of some kind there, for entertainment.
👁️ MORE 👁️Fall
the body crushes the soul
I grew up thinking people like me are bad.
But the way society is set up.
There’s no way to be close to people.
I was terrified the first time.
Thought I was going to throw up.
It’s about getting in the right mental place.
Letting it build up.
Late at night.
Drugs help. But they can impair your judgment. You don’t want to lose track of time. Peripheral vision. Or you start to psyche yourself out. A little alcohol is fine for confidence. Too much and you fuck yourself over. Can’t get hard. Can’t keep track of time. Weed is out. Stimulants are better.
Saving Face
The boss’s son always tells me to bite their ears off, I don’t wanna bite their ears off, I have texture issues with the cartilage. But in the end I’d bite all night for this guy. They don’t even look human at the end. Then again neither do I.
You gotta leave some face though. Or you forget what you’re even doing.
I spin the chair around. It’s so light without the guy on it. Just a red shadow dissolving on the seat.
“Anything else I can do for you?”
The boss’s son says, “You’ve got something in your teeth.”
I pick it out with the nail I keep sharp for this purpose, I don’t even know what it is. I get deep in there, you know. Scientists discover new body parts every day. I love that. It keeps me hopeful.
“I was saying, anything else I can do for you?”
But he’s already back in the swimming pool, deaf with water. I watch his limbs ripple like what I’m digesting in my stomach.
After watching what I do, the boss’s son won’t let me suck his dick anymore.
I guess once you become the dog, you’re useful in a different way. He won’t soil himself with beasts. Or he simply doesn’t want to get his dick bit off.
But I don’t think my teeth are sharper than any other guys. It’s strictly mental.
The doctor says I have a tapeworm. Could explain a few things. He wants to give me some Praziquantel. The label says EXPELS TAPERED AHRIMANFORMS. I tell him I’m not shitting out my honor and my value and my devotion. Not unless God himself sucks it out of me.
He says, take the vermifuge. You never know.
Leave me enough face for the funeral, Carafe says. He’s old school. Thinking of his family.
I look to the boss’s son for approval. He’s filing his nails like I wish I could file my teeth. He says, sure.
I say, no promises, but I’ll start from the toes, and we’ll see how it goes.
Carafe says, oky doky.
I hop up and down, trying to make the smoke hit my lungs faster.
“What are you doing?” the boss’s son says.
“Nothing. I’m good to go.”
“Let me see your teeth.”
I open my mouth wide like the dentist. He looks inside, eyes narrowed. I’m open so long I start drooling, then I start sweating.
He finally says, “Is your stomach empty?”
“I could make it be empty.”
“I just want to make sure this goes smoothly. We’re doing two guys tonight.”
“Two. Wow.”
“Is that a problem?”
“Maybe for them, if you know what I mean, heheheh.”
He takes the cigarette from my fingers and sniffs it. He’s quitting, but it’s hard. I know the longer he smells it, the harder it’ll get. I watch to see what he’ll do.
Two chairs, two guys, one of them is actually a lady, but you can’t tell anymore. I wish we tortured more women. I’m not retrograde, I believe in equality of the sexes. But it’s hard biting through some of these guys. All the piercings, tattoos, hair, calluses, gristle. Eating a woman is like eating two or three kids stacked on top of each other. And to be frank, I needed the assist. Never did two guys before. Wasn’t sure I could do it. But I’d never say no to the boss’s son. I’ll keep singing even if my voice breaks, you know, as long as the camera stays on me.
⭐ 📗 story_1
⭐ 📘 story_2
⭐ Future Pairing Process ⭐
I’m at the mall and there’s this thing called a kissing booth. I go into the lobby and this woman is ushering people inside. It looks like a movie theater, they must be renting the space. I’m not sure if she’s pairing people up or just seating people in preparation for a future pairing process. I’m nervous. I think a great deal about my lips in relation to kissing. I take great care with my hygiene, and the action posture of the masseter. But I suppose most people think of their own mouth as cleaner than it is, because they spend so much time with it. I don’t want to kiss a random mall person. There are kids and old people here. Although I suppose I am a kid to some of them. I just don’t want to interact with a random mall person that way. I don’t know what I was thinking. That’s right. I wasn’t thinking.
It’s my turn to be paired or seated in preparation for pairing and the woman leads me down the aisle. She is older than me, skinny, short hair, kind of a lesbo vibe, a bony everyday face. She makes a joke like, I should have you all to myself, something like that. I smile politely at her joke. But she leads me all the way around the front, then to the very back, sitting next to me instead of pairing me with someone. She presses heavily on me with bird talons, thick like a cartoon. I want to ask, are they real? But you should never ask a lady that. There are probably things you shouldn’t ask guys about reality either.
I feel warm. I realize I don’t mind it at all. Being close to someone is nice. Maybe that’s why I did it. I just wanted to be close to someone in this lonely world. But suddenly she stops. She says, oh god, what am I doing with my life? Something like that. She seems to realize the unprofessional nature of what we are doing back here. She gets up and I follow her. Strange to follow someone who just came on to me. Some people bounce so hard into you they bounce themselves off, with zero input from you, they manage the whole interaction, relationship, etc themselves. She seems like she’s having a breakdown, but not in a histrionic way. She’s just silent on the escalator, going down. Like she’s really thinking about her life. I stop at the top of the escalator, because I can tell she doesn’t want me to follow.
I have blue balls for the universe. Empty things between things wisp and hurl around me. Who’s running the movie theater now?
⭐ Sane and Focused ⭐
I need to ask a favor.
I go inside the prefab trailer. It’s on cinder blocks. Is it cinderblocks or cinder blocks? I used to call it cinderb locks. And I kept looking for keyholes. I thought the holes in the sides were for big keys, for big rewards. But I didn’t have any keys of any size so it didn’t matter.
I call for the woman who lives here. My parents used to know her. I think she babysat me as a kid. I’m still a kid though.
I see her on a chair in the next room. She is looking at the wall. She doesn’t respond, but I know she can hear me. Or hear something. She’s very afraid. But whatever happened to her happened a long time ago. And now all voices make her feel that way. She won’t go outside. She’s still stuck there.
I call for her again.
I go outside.
We can get food from supermarkets, I tell my dad. End of day food.
Let’s get your mother, he says.
My mother is on the other side of a wall. There’s a door but I don’t think she has a key. We live in the back of this building. I don’t know if we live here. We are here. But we’re hungry. There are walls and cinder blocks and small rooms.
She says she has to complete her film. She’s acting strange again.
She goes ahead of us. She’s taken her clothes off. She wanders like a deer down the street. She’s beautiful like an actress. She looks kind of like Caitlin Fitzgerald. One of the women here was telling me about actresses. She keeps a list in her mind. She says one day one of the names could be recycled and if she’s awake at the right time it could become her name. These are the names of power.
My dad wears clothes and stays next to me. He’s sane. He’s focused on the mission. Getting end of day food from the supermarket. I’m saner than both of them though. Because I’m young.
It’s evening. I know where the Salvadoran supermarket is. We cross the street. The commercial center has a wide parking lot, and the asphalt extends off it, unmarked, so much you can get dizzy if you lose a frame of reference. The ground is warm on my bare feet.
The front of the Salvadoran market is open like a hangar. The inside is gutted and the floor is covered in ash and grit. It’s empty. It’s like a supermarket cave. The air is hot. I walk back toward the street, to get to a place where I can go to another place. The asphalt is really wide and dark and warm in front of the place where the Salvadoran supermarket was. My legs feel really small.
I look for my parents.

thanks to my fans on patreon for the support 8) 🐛💝
surgical marking rash

The surgical markings are a type of rash that appears inside the national park.
The rash derives from contact with urushiol-X. If the rash is not treated, those parts are changed.
There is also an artifact sharpie which can draw them directly. Another of the “cylindrical quotidian” artifact line of everyday objects categorized by INNOCENT. As usual, those objects are related to an oily substance.

The thorn forest is full of nerve poison. This and many other national park irritants can act as a backroute for urushiol-X “real driving”. With enough exposure to urushiol-X your system starts endogenously producing it as a response to any negative stimuli; phantom rashes.
The national park can be navigated via desire paths. Upon appearing in the park, an initial “desire maze” or “game trail” is manifested from the combined neural circuitry of the trapped bipeds, usually from the anal-territorial circuit. Through time-binding, bipeds can create a “knot” in the maze to which they can return and sleep with minimal danger. If desire is 100% paths can even be manifested immediately, even through refrigerators and people. Without desire the national park contracts around intruders. This is why people with extreme overt or latent desire tend to survive the longest.