
I was trying to free a woman from a barrel of acid she was chained to. I’m part of a team trying to do this. we struggle on the rocks of a wide river enclosed by steep wooded slopes. cliffs hang over us, and a high metal bridge. acid begins to drip from tubes and pipes and burn our flesh as we try to save her. we are slipping into the water and our skin is melting and we keep trying.

I lay in bed listening to music. my emotions get so big I can hardly hold it. my whole life I was crushed under a huge sadness. I try to fly free. My highest goal is to create something beautiful. it breaks me as it moves through me. it puts me back together. I need to claw and hurt and show. I am weak but stubborn. Everything I predicted as a child came true. dreams are the hardest thing to hold onto because they hurt the hands and the heart, deeply. I need to show you…

cali yuga 2012-2020

around 2012 there was a nervous, unconsolidated energy stuck in the circuitcraw of the net and the automatic public had a satanic panic reaction to the lifeforce they found here–they irradiated the internet and made it their suburb and in fact reclaimed the bleak military origins of it, connecting the lost military toy of the past to the contemporary military geist of the drone

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