recent things

low kill shelter is a lowkey palette cleanser between works. calibrating people down so they can get fucked up more by my next stuff. i usually start from really strong worldbuilding but here i’m using the most basic mundane concepts and finding what’s interesting in them
which makes sense if you know its basically set in Emeryville
such a scary dead clean place, def my top creepypasta location in no cal
anyways gotta save room for the scorpion layer cake. desensitization management etc
it’s the first thing i put on kindle in addition to itchio. i got about 3x the sales on itchio which i attribute to 1) that being my main store for awhile and 2) amazon sucks and i dont blame people lol. But this was a good low-stakes experiment that helped me figure out how to put stuff on kindle which will be useful when the novel comes out.
i like writing romantic elements. i like making people feel that way.
i suck at promoting stuff so i was happy people i’d never met left a bunch of reviews on twitter, and some on itchio/amazon/goodreads.
thanks for the nice words and encouragement.

interesting dream because i remembered an unusual amount of dialog
instead of it getting scrambled in transition
even remembering a single word is usually a big deal
obviously i had to “fill in” some parts but a lot is verbatim or the closest translation, and all the events happened like that
lynchian feel

made a charitysona generator
was really fun to make the layers, compulsively adding new things and seeing how they look together

Elf 9/11

click for full image

cali yuga 2012-2020

around 2012 there was a nervous, unconsolidated energy stuck in the circuitcraw of the net and the automatic public had a satanic panic reaction to the lifeforce they found here–they irradiated the internet and made it their suburb and in fact reclaimed the bleak military origins of it, connecting the lost military toy of the past to the contemporary military geist of the drone

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